Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Marriage Encounter for?
Marriage Encounter is for married couples who want something more in their marriage: more fun, spontaneity, excitement, communication, understanding, romance, intimacy, passion or joy. Couples as young as 2 years married and as old as 50 years married have come to Marriage Encounter, and benefited from it.
What happens at Marriage Encounter Weekend?
A series of talks are presented by a team of trained couples and a priest.
Is there a cost?
Marriage Encounter welcomes all married couples who have the desire to deepen their relationship. Financial constraints should never be a reason for missing out on the weekend. If you need the ME Weekend subsidised, please Contact Us
Is Marriage Encounter for “troubled” marriages?
Marriage Encounter is for couples who are in a stable relationship and who recognize that there is always room for growth even in good marriages. The Weekend will help them rediscover and enrich their love for each other.
For marriages that are deeply troubled, in crisis, or have deep hurts that need significant healing and forgiveness, please consider our sister program, Retrouvaille.
Is there privacy?
YES! At the Marriage Encounter Weekend, couples are taught a special technique of loving communication. There are no group discussions.
Can priests & religious also attend a Marriage Encounter Weekend?
Yes, Weekends are intended for priests & religious as well who desire to grow and deepen their Love with their “spouse” the Church. Many priests and religious, who experience a Weekend, come away with stronger communication skills, coupled with better ability to relate to their parish family and greater understanding of Family Life Ministries within their parish.
What else does Marriage Encounter do?
Marriage Encounter also provides couples an opportunity to look at their relationship with God and to better appreciate Marriage as a Sacrament of the Church.