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The Marriage Encounter Weekend

The Best Gift You’ll Ever Give Each Other

What is Marriage Encounter?


Marriage Encounter is one of the successful and dynamic marriage enrichment programs in the world today. The movement is blessed and encouraged by the Holy Father and Bishops around the world. Worldwide Marriage Encounter has helped over 3.5 million couples in almost 100 countries.


What is the Marriage Encounter Weekend?


The Marriage Encounter Weekend is a positive and personal experience for you and your spouse.  It offers you a WAY OF LOVING COMMUNICATION and gives you an opportunity to look deeply into your relationship with one another, with God and with the Church and the world at large.


An atmosphere is created on the weekend in which you and your spouse can concentrate exclusively on one another.

A series of talks are given by a team of trained Catholic Couples and a priest by the weekend is open to all regardless of their faith and religion.

Does the word “Encounter” sound scary to you?


You’re not alone. But don’t let it turn you off. During your Marriage Encounter experience you and your spouse will “encounter” an entirely new way to communicate with each other that you may have never “encountered” before.


Marriage Encounter is also for priests and religious


Pope John Paul once said that priests come to their priesthood by "seeing the love of their mother and father". Priesthood and marriage are lifelong journeys we walk together. Marriage Encounter is also for priests and religious who want to revitalize their relationship with the people of God and develop an even deeper appreciation of their own vocation. 

Live your best life together…in love

Every marriage deserves time & attention! Rediscover the spark that was there on your wedding day!

Rediscover the best friend you had when you were first married!
Join the millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive!

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